Friday, October 15, 2010




maventheavenger aka jamie said...

What do you think about it David? I feel like the less I focus on my sin, the more healthy of a person I am. I get too easily depressed.

Thorn-67 said...

I think it's interesting that the author...who I am fairly familiar with, explains the concept of sin or wrongdoing from the Jewish perspective which defines it more laboriously, something I wasn't aware of before in the context of Judaism.
..."there are three kinds of wrongdoing: iniquities, transgressions, and sins. The difference? Iniquities were willful. Transgressions were rebellious. And sins were unintentional."
Perhaps this is a glimpse into how the Catholic faith has arrived at their concept of sins of omission and commission, which outline mortal and venial sins in great detail? If you want to catagorize and detail the type and degree of your can definitely go further with a study into the Catholic Encyclopedia.
So...why not go further? While the author seems to point to a more thorough exfoliation of sin...and a more deliberate naming of the kinds of sins we commit as a part of our on going need to confess(which I do not necessarily disagree with)it's interesting that he stops short of suggesting that we, like our Catholic brothers and sisters, participate in the rite of reconciliation...where the penitent goes thru the process of not only confessing their 'sins' to God...but to another human being...who has the authority to help absolve us.
It seems that this process would help alleviate another issue the author presents which is vague confession and not knowing if you have been forgiven?
"You're not really sure if you're forgiven because you're not really sure if you've confessed."
Making the act of confessing our sins before a priest would leave very little question I imagine?
Personally, I think there is a lot of value in awareness of our shit, the intention to change...and actually living that out.

BUT...all of this leaves me to my big struggle in the context of orthodoxy...What is the exact process of dealing with sin if there is one...?
And further, is it possible that if Jesus was in fact crucified to satisfy ALL of God's wrath, and Jesus satisfied THE FULL required payment for all of the sins of all people for all time...that all people are absolved, no strings attached?
I still can't reconcile how we are born into the family of man...whether we want to be or not...we have no choice and we are declared awful sinners...and orthodoxy upholds...Jesus died for the sins of the world...and yet...some how receiving that forgiveness or state of grace is now dependant upon me making a choice? Why would Jesus death on the cross...if it was for the payment of sin...not completely reverse 'the curse' of Adam...and the human condition? That seems the only just solution to my pea brain.

Debbie said...

Yeah... what Joy said!