Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Motherload

I believe we were waiting to see what people's Mother's Day plans were before deciding on whether to do brunch at the Bamford's next Sunday. My family is celebrating at 1 p.m., so I could do brunch if others are able. Just comment to this post, and we'll make the "go" or "no go" call later on this week (and by "we," I have no idea who I mean).


maventheavenger aka jamie said...

my family is starting things at 9am, so I have no idea how long the festivities will last.

Sarah said...

The G-skis are out - we're having some part-ays right in the middle of the Glendale!

Debbie said...

Can't do brunch on Sunday, can meet at the usual time.

Thorn-67 said...

guys...true to form...I haven't thought much about this until now...I haven't even begun to make plans with my mom. I imagine I'd do that in the evening. I think we could do brunch in the AM...Are the Bamfs truly up for that on mothers day...TARA??? forreals.

Stacey said...

Sounds like a good plan to me, Adam.

carrie said...

A week off sounds okay with me.