Just a friendly reminder that Lent is beginning next week on Wednesday and will continue for forty days until the third of April. The Tuesday before is called Shrove Tuesday and it is traditional to eat pancakes on that day. I will be celebrating in that style at Liberty Market in downtown Gilbert with many other various folks for breakfast (it's actually an official tweetup #evfat/#evtm if you are into that).
I encourage you to consider participating in observing Lent this year either by fasting from something you enjoy/or by adding in a discipline. This time is supposed to prepare your heart/mind/life in a period of waiting and mourning before the Easter season when we celebrate resurrection.
Maybe this is a topic to explore with your family and friends as well in the next week. Feel free to share how you would considering observing on this post, and I also look forward to discussing it next week when we all meet.
Last year, I went with Joy and Fran to the Episcopal church in downtown Phoenix. We sat through a service and explore the labyrinth as a spiritual exercise afterwords. I really enjoyed that and perhaps this year, I will visit a catholic or orthodox church in my neighborhood.
I also fasted from some things in my diet, and will most likely do it again this year.
Here's a link to a daily devotional email by CRM you may want to also sign up to receive this year: http://www.crmleaders.org/lent
Thanks for posting this Jamie! I'd love to participate in Lent again this year - I found it to be completely centering last year in a way I hadn't expected. Would you go to the downtown service again for Ash Wednesday? I'd love to observe if together if anyone's up for it...
Sounds pretty good to me-but I am up for any high church ceremony-doesn't have to be downtown.
I really enjoyed the Labyrinth last year...and I'd like to incorporate that into Lent this year too. Not sure if anyone is up for that...doesn't have to be Ash Wed...we could do it anytime...It might be fun to try to locate another one...
Jim went to St. Marks Episcopal a few miles from our house last year...I like that they practice open communion...
I wonder if the Newman Center would be a good option?
I'd love to observe Lent again this year, and also to attend a Good Friday service. Last year I went to St. Tim's. It was a good service, but not high church. I'd love to visit another Catholic or orthodox church. Work schedules as they are, I will need to find a service in the late afternoon.
Jamie..... thanks so much for startng this post.
High church? What does that mean?
@Sarah...you know...more traditional catholic. Formal...ritual. I thought our deal @ the Episcopal Cathedral last year was just right.
ah ha! thanks Joy :)
There were years...the only way I could do church was to be high
Love the comment Randy!
It's good to "see" you both, Randy and Matt!
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