Monday, April 19, 2010

what is taco day?

maybe you've heard of taco day?
it's coming...


Debbie said...

Taco Day - can't say I've experienced this event before, but it does sound like fun!

Zack said...

Thanks for posting the link. We'd love to have the Emerging Desert crew join us.

Zack Newsome

maventheavenger aka jamie said...

Debbie-you MUST come. Jim is brewing beer for the event! It's going to be a blast.

Nana Banana said...

I'm thinking of coming :^)

Thorn-67 said...

Taco Day is fun for all kinds of reasons! The Schroeders will be there around 4:00-ish and hope to hang out into the evening! Hope to see some familiar faces there!