I really enjoyed Kathy's visit on Sunday--thanks for coming to Arizona, Kathy!
I thought maybe we could share our thoughts and reflections about Sundays conversation. What stood out to me was the openness in our time together. I love hearing what is going on inside everyone's head--I love that we aren't trying to impress each other with knowledge or answers.
It was great seeing the newlyweds--congrats!, but sorry to miss some regulars.
Please share your thoughts/reflections in the comments.
Having Kathy come visit our Emerging Desert Cohort (in our home -no less!)was kind of surreal for me...It was only a few short months ago that I remember excitedly telling Jamie and Stacey about this most 'excellant' woman blogger I thought I had discovered...and how she wrote exactly what was inside my own heart. Little did I know that Kathy was already very well known to those girls! I could never have imagined that "Kathy Escobar" would "really" come hang out when I casually extended to her an invitation!
Hosting Kathy...and hearing more from her in regards to her experience being 3 years post tradtional institutional church...was for me inspiring...encouraging...hope inducing. Taking in all of the comments and conversations of the evening... offered up by each of you...was for me something like a little oasis in the midst of a pretty desolate desert place where I have been languishing for a bit now.
The little hands on activity done with the pieces of broken glass we each inscribed a word(s) on...is so simple ...yet so beautiful and still takes my breath away. I am keeping it out...indefinately.
Each of you gives me encouragement...each of you brings me hope for healing and eventually being confident and settled in the place God is taking me to.
Thanks to all of you for the past two weeks!
We're so sorry to have missed it. We're still of course very new to the gathering, but we realized this weekend that we were really bummed to be missing out on the time with you all!
I'm sorry as well to have missed the meeting. There are a few bloggers that I repeatedly come back to when wandering the blogosphere and Kathy is one of them. I'm very sorry to have missed her and I'm sorry to say I don't know how often I will be able to keep coming. Unfortunatley everytime I go to a meeting it seems to cause problems with my wife who is VERY anti-religion and I'm ashamed to say that I don't feel like fighting with her everytime I want to go to a meeting. Well that's more than I wanted to share, but there it is. I hope to see everyone soon.
Matt, we missed you.
But we understand.
Matt...you were missed. We do hope to see you anytime you are able to come!
Matt, if there is anything we can do at all, please don't hesitate. I wish she could be a fly on the wall, and see that we are anything but religious. But since she can't, you will be in our thoughts when we meet. Thanks for everything you bring to this group, and I look forward to our continuing friendship.
hey all, thanks so much for the invite & the hospitality & the great conversations. i was really glad to meet all of you & honestly, it encourages me probably more than it encourages you :) i look forward to staying connected over time and to see what wild & crazy things happen in the upcoming year. meanwhile, i am so glad you all have each other & a safe place for this leg of the journey. lots of love & hope, kathy
Hope inducing... I like those two words right together in a sentence. Kathy and her group are trailblazers and we were certainly blessed to hear some of her stories. Stories are inspiring and encouraging. Something we all need more of.
I am excited to see what our cohort will look like in year three! You all will be older and I, of course, will still be cute.
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